Traveling Light

Is traveling light an impossibility for you?
Does it almost seem oxymoronic? Well, I’m here to tell you that if a person like me can do it, so can you! First of all, I’m not a minimalist, although in my alternate universe fantasy, I picture myself living with a total of 10 belongings in fifty square feet of utter bliss. In reality, I’m a bit of a hoarder ( not bad enough to be featured on TLC, but a pack rat, nonetheless). When it comes to traveling, especially with kids, I’m the mom who wants to be prepared for ANY eventuality. Therefore, it goes without saying that I love road trips mainly because I can stuff our minivan chock full of STUFF without any concern as to how much of it we will actually use. How do you put a person like me in panic mode? Enter my dearly beloved. For almost all of our married life (17 years now), I have seen him go off on his weekly business trips with nothing more than a single carry on. It defies logic!!
The true test of my love arrived in the mail a couple of months ago. No, not a love letter (let’s not get distracted now!) It was the wedding invitation for my cousin’s wedding to be held in New Jersey. Now we had been discussing a trip to New York for a while now, and with the boys being older, this seemed the perfect opportunity to combine family and pleasure (although family can be pleasure…..sometimes….maybe…yeah sure, why not?!)
Yay! We’re heading to New York. Tickets booked. Clothes (for wedding) bought. Bags….. not packed.
Me: Umm…Azfar, how many suitcases can we take along?
Azfar: (Grim response) We’re going for three nights. Why do you need a suitcase?
Me: (to myself) Maybe I didn’t hear right? ( to Azfar) What did you say?
Azfar: Why do you want to pay extra for suitcases. Let’s just take three carry ons.

Like I said before. A true test of love! Somehow, I was expected to pack four individuals suits and formals, jammies for three nights, daytime wear, shoes ( formal and walking) , meds, entertainment, and emergency care ( the What Ifs) in THREE PUNY CARRY ONS??!!!!
I think the color change on my face might have held some indication to the rising anxiety and stress that I was feeling. Azfar must have noticed it, and in his most affectionate tone uttered more royal words of wisdom. “ Don’t forget, we can take a couple hand carry items too. Just don’t carry too much since we don’t want to be lugging stuff around.”
Did I just imagine throwing a brick at him, or ……..
“ Besides, how will you feel if your luggage didn’t arrive on time for the wedding?”
That sealed the deal. Already! Time to think positively and take on any challenge!

1. Take slow, deep breaths. Yes, you are going to need all the help you can possibly get, and some extra oxygen for your brain cells, never hurt anyone.
2. Make a list. My memory sucks (hence, the overdependence on visuals: photographs, lists, written word…ok, I guess you get it!) Seriously though, grab a pencil and paper (or if you want to create some wall art, skip the paper). In any case, jot down each and every thing that you would possibly need to pack. NEED to pack, not WANT to pack.
3. Shortlist. Internal Monologue: Do you really need nail polish remover on a three night trip? Three jammies each? Really? Do you still wet your pants? If not, make do with one. Worst case scenario – find a laundromat. Hhhmm, three sets of pants? Find one, that goes with three shirts. No, you don’t need a matching pair of shoes with each. Hairdryer – ditch. Most hotel rooms have it. Curling iron – non-negotiable. Jackets – wear on the plane rather than pack, to save space. Swimming goggles? Nah, take eye drops for later. The kids won’t even notice.
4. Collect your belongings. Once your list is ready, deploy your minions and get everything collected. (Intersperse the “ Mama, seriously, I was just downstairs! You need me to go down AGAIN?” with gentle reminders of maternal love, as in “ I gave birth to you! Go NOW!”)
5. If you have any levels of OCD, this would be the time to display it. Mine is acquired ( from my husband….yes, that is scientifically possible…right up there with your faces resembling your spouses’ after marriage) Lay out your THREE PUNY CARRYONS, and start laying out the contents that will go in each, in front of it. Don’t dump it in just yet. Trust me, every molecule of air is prime real estate property. You don’t want to mess with that.
6. Create a mental demarcation of whose stuff is going in which carryon. Read this as “ MY STUFF WILL GO IN EACH!” Enough said.
7. Pack the stuff you will need as soon as you get to your destination, towards the top. I lay my heavy formals towards the bottom just because they would need to be re-ironed anyways. However, I packed the boys’ suits towards the top so the jackets didn’t get crushed.

8. Roll, not fold your clothes to get rid of empty air pockets. Stuff fragile items in between folds of other clothes.
9. Keep extra bags/totes in the top pocket of your carryon. In case of needing extra space, this can be quickly used as a hand carry at the airport, should the need arise.
10. Double check liquids. Are they the correct size for hand carry? Fit all the meds and liquids in clear ziplock bags, and place in your REALLY GIGANTIC purse. Your jewelry should also go in a zipped pouch in your hand carry.
11. Time to Zip up. This is when you apply strength in all the right places, to close that carryon bag without breaking it. Coax it. Don’t rush the process. Chances are, you will need to redistribute your belongings. This would be a good time to……
12. Shortlist, again.
13. Attempt re-closing. Bear in mind that once closed, you probably don’t want to mess with it too much by re-opening it.
14. Don’t forget to take along the kids’ birth certificates, should they attempt to disown you at the airport.
15. Pack munchies and technology in kids’ backpacks. Let them carry their own weight around. Child labor, my foot!
16. Layer on the jackets.
17. Pat yourself on the back for doing the impossible.
18. Whatever you do, DON’T look at the items you took off the master list. You will find yourself asking “ What if….?” This would be the time to practice mindfulness, yoga, kickboxing, whatever the hell, ( I meant, heck!) works for you, but don’t give in.
19. When your hubby enters the room and casually asks , “ So do you want to check in a bag? I get one with my status on United for free.”, remind yourself why you love him so much, and walk far, far away as possible.
20. Load the car, and pray that the wheels on the carryons survive this ‘traveling light’ trip!
Stay tuned for the New York Diaries for more on our adventures there!
Lol! Totally entertaining !
Lol! Totally entertaining !
Thank you 🙂