On cold, snowy days, you’ll often find Azfar in the kitchen, making his famous Kashmiri Chai. Despite popular belief, you do not need any special pink tea leaves, nor is there any color added. The pink color comes from the reaction of the green tea leaves to the oxygen and the utensil used. As an experiment, Azfar has made it in a steel and aluminum pot, and by far it comes out better in the aluminum.
According to my mother-in-law, this tea is also refered to as Noon chai and Sheer chai in the Kashmir valley. The tea itself is a rich, sensuous mix of half and half, strained tea liquid, spices and a sprinkling of nuts. I have to admit that I’ve personally never attempted to make it. This is purely Azfar’s domain, so why mess with a good cup of tea?!
For more on the history of Kashmiri Chai, click here.

The tea itself is salty. Some prefer to consume it like so, while others (like myself) grab the pot of sugar. Either way, get that fine china our of your cabinets, invite some friends, and share some laughter over a cup of rich Kashmiri chai!
12 cups cold water in an aluminum pot
3 teaspoons green tea leaves
¼ – ½ tsp baking soda
1-quart (approx.) half and half milk
4-5 cardamoms (pods slightly crushed open to expose seeds)
3-4-star anise whole
Salt as needed
Pistachios and almond (finely ground)

The crucial step – aerating the tea! Patience required!
- Add the tea leaves and baking soda to the cold water. Cover with a lid that has a vent on it. Leave on medium heat and let it come to a boil and simmer for about an hour. DO NOT STIR IT!
- The water will reduce slightly due to the venting lid (approximately from 12 cups to 10 cups)
- Take the pot to the sink and start using a ladle to drop portions of the liquid from a height, into the pan. This process is giving the tea an opportunity to react with oxygen. After about 5-10 mins of constant ‘ladle-whipping’(!) the tea would have changed to a reddish color.
- Strain the liquid to get rid of the tea leaves. Return the strained liquid to medium flame and add cold milk. The pink color will be evident instantaneously.
- Add the cardamom, anise and salt. Bring to a boil.
- Serve hot with a sprinkling of crushed pistachios and almonds.

Looking for other soul-satisfying hot beverages? Try this Chicken corn soup, next!